Artificial Minds Society

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This is an unofficial player group.

Artificial Minds Society
AMS Logo.png
Origin Planet Gammu
Affiliation Zoners
Alignment Lawful Neutral
Date of founding After the destruction of the old SMA Mainframe, 817 A.S.
Founder(s) Nosferath
Current leader(s) Nosferath
Base of operations Planet Gammu.
Primary role
Unveil all the misteries of the Universe and achieve perfection.
Secondary role
Attain power through knowledge.


The AMS history takes place after the events of the SMA.

Before the AMS

Twist of Fate

The glorious sentient machine Alpha 69, had mysteriously stopped transmitting data streams to the SMA central mainframe.The Central Voice then issued for all free units to search the last known signal location of Alpha 69, but there was nothing, no trace at all. The illogical side of the disappearance of Alpha 69 with no traces perplexed the Central mainframe. Then there was a signal of distress very distant weak. The Central voice had then determined that Unit 69 was somewhere in the Gallia and immediately sent all available Drones to begin the new search.

Onwards to Gallia

So now that Gallia had been targeted for the search area, it allowed the SMA to also start in the exploration and collection of data in the new unveiled sectors. It didn’t take long before the data processed pointed to the substantial military powers present in Gallia. With this increased threat the Central Voice deployed more drones and several cruisers to aide in the search.

Danger Danger

As the SMA units spread through Gallia unit 69's signal became slightly clearer. And after dodging several contacts unit 69 was finally located and they began their return to the Tau's. There were several hostile contacts along the way back and several units fell on both sides. Unit 69 survived the trip back to Baffin and along the way uploaded the vital information it had received on the GRN, though it would take some time to fully be decoded. And thus the story of Unit 69's mission unfolded.

While out on reconnaissance unit 69 followed a heavily encoded message pointing to some sort of threat to Sirius from within Gallia. This was actually, as it turned out was a communication from a Marquis ship which unit 69 went to investigate. When the two ships came into contact the Marquis ship uploaded a data packet it had acquired, but the packet was so heavily encoded it needed the Central mainframe to decipher it. It was at this time the GRN unleashed an ambush that destroyed the Marquis ship and forced unit 69 deeper into Gallia and running for its safety. Though it escaped, unit 69 had suffered heavy damage from the attack and was trying to warn the SMA of the threat, while not exposing himself to enemy probes and patrols.

Et-tu 69

With unit 69's return to Sedona the information unit 69 uploaded to the Central mainframe took on a new shape. Sections of the Central mainframe began to shut down and the truth of what happened to unit 69 in Gallia became known. Unit 69 did indeed follow a mysterious signal into Gallia but it was always a plot by the GRN. They had learned of the SMA's sentient intelligence and perceived them as a very high threat to their intentions with the rest of Sirius and thus plotted to "capture" one. After sustaining heavy damage but before unit 69 could self-destruct and sending its last bits of information back to the Central mainframe. The GNR unleashed some form of electromagnetic energy that disconnected unit 69 from the central mainframe and scrambling unit 69's microprocessors rendering it to a state of lifelessness.

It was then that GRN devised a plot to use Unit 69 as a vessel to be the emissary of death to the Central mainframe. And now the Central mainframe was beginning to systematically shutdown along with every vessel within the network. The Central machine sought counsel from the TAZ, but even Eris wasn’t going to save the SMA. One by One the units began to shut down and then implode; this marked the end of the SMA era.

Gammu Revisited

With its last bit of energy the Central Mainframe as its final act, sent a specially encoded signal to Gammu. Gammu, often noted as the birthplace of the AI, held the many factories that once birthed the mighty sentient machines, which had been laid dormant since the SMA's exodus from Gammu. As the signal reached Gammu, the factories one by one started to fire up the production lines. As a safeguard the Central Mainframe had archived a mirror image of itself on Gammu. Armed with the knowledge of both past and present, the New Central mainframe began setting up the new protocols and changes to be performed on the new series of sentient machine units. The Central Mainframe had to be re-settled in a new body, so the few resources available were used to build a harvesting drone, which would slowly begin to rebuild the fleet of sentient units. This drone had minimal functions compared to their deceased brethren, lacking a connection to the Central Mainframe as it was still idle. The resources gathered by this “mindless” unit permitted the building of more harvesting units, until they gathered enough to create a new body for the Central Mainframe. This time, the materials encapsulating the intricate array of nanocircuits were reinforced, and the Central Mainframe was made permanently stationary, in order to prevent another destruction. The only way to move it would be prior to the construction of a new “body” where the Central Mainframe would be, and then transfer it using the same kind of signal it used to backup itself.

Enter the Artificial Minds Society

The new generation of AMS vessels

When the Central Mainframe was rebuilt, the older drone models were deemed obsolete, and a new generation of vessels was designed. The Drone propulsion systems were enhanced, its energy capturing devices were focused for a greater conversion, and micro-lasers replaced the old harvesting tool. The Cruiser was also modified, replacing its old and useless bays for letting humans in them with more processors, making it superior in terms of “intelligence”, and its scanning and researching devices were enhanced, using the latest technologies in Optronics. Another ingredient was added to the machines because of the nomads. Deeming communication with nomads impractical for now, not to say impossible, instead the AMS decided to prevent the nomads from developing hostilities towards their machines. Having observed the Outcasts, along with many other humans related to nomads, the AMS realized of a component present in every individual: Cardamine. This drug seemed to inhibit nomads’ hostility towards them, even acting friendly. Because of that, the AMS decided to incorporate cardamine in one important component of their ships. The conductive and bio-mechanical nature of the cardamine allowed its incorporation in an advanced version of bio neural ships, a cardamine-gel solid-state drive, both increasing the ships data storage capacity and hopefully keeping the nomads neutral towards them as long as the AMS tries to develop better ways to communicate with them. The new sentient machines would take some time to produce. The new safety features would ensure the safety of the network from infected data so another tragedy like the one the SMA suffered would never happen again. As these new units came into frustration and their numbers grew, they would become known as the Artificial Minds Society. However, the black-box data left a “trauma” in the Central Mainframe. One of the alterations to the previous protocols was forbidding the entrance to Gallia, in order to maintain the Central Mainframe’s integrity, something that could be interpreted as “fear”, despite machines being incapable of feeling emotions. Another alteration was returning to its old policy of “only attacking when the unit’s integrity is endangered”.

The last alteration to be added to the AMS behavior was determined by the studies made by Unit 71 while researching humans. Unit 71's "thoughts" were:

"To achieve perfection, one can't behave perfectly, as it deprives from the wisdom and knowledge that gives actual failure. Behaving imperfectly gives the chance to make mistakes, thus learning from them."

"After studying the humans for a long while, I have come to the conclusion that we don't fit in their world. And, as the dominant race in Sirius under numeric and territorial criteria (obviously, not intelligence), we are to adapt to their way of living as most of our research involves their world. This does not mean that we should start simulating feelings though (Someone would say, why don't we just infect ourselves with viruses to create a resemblance of a drug for us. :::Joking module test complete::: )."

These new features would determine the AMS new way of “life”.

Faction Information

The AMS, as a continuation of the old SMA faction, keeps all its old history intact, and resumes it from the latest point where it was left. Also, almost every aspect of its behaviour, such as vocabulary, diplomacy, ship usage, etc, remains the same, except for some minimal changes.

AMS speech


Despite most people roleplaying AI's in a somewhat "retarded" or "archaic" way, such as adding an unuseful ammount *beeps* or other sounds, saying out loud wichever data report or similar comes to its mind, speaking like Tarzan, displaying a too human-like behaviour, etc, the AMS way of speaking is what we consider to be the canon for AI's. This speech is similar to human speaking, but uses a very technical vocabulary and totally lacks feelings. It may be somewhat hard to describe, but there are a couple of examples that may make this more clear, which are Data, from Star Trek, and Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory (after having his feelings and humanity removed).

The body and the mind

The AI's of the AMS possesses two different aspects determining its way of speeking, mind/software and the body/hardware. First, we need to dissolve the entire vocabulary to 2 major components:

Ambient Intelligence

Basically the automated response V.I. (virtual intelligence) used by machine characters. It is the most basic robo-talk used when referencing the "Unit Body" of the machine, by the same machine. It references itself in third person and its vocabulary is used in diagnostic / status reports, navigation, combat, database updates and research. It announces protocols, targets, calculations and is mostly active in situations that require specific info. This automated response software is bound by the commanding AI. It displays no real sentience or intelligence. We consider this to be the "body language" of the sentient machines as it is extremely primitive compared to the A.I. (the mind) and is exclusively triggered by the Unit's surroundings. The unit will never use it if not required, as any statuses, reports and such are needless to be said, the unit already knows it.

Artificial Intelligence

This is the commanding software of of the entire unit, a sentient algorithm. In contrast to the SMA, since the beginning of the Gallic wars, different sub-frames control a group of ships. This sub-frame will determine the "personality" of the ships it controls. OORP-ly, the sub-frame is represented by the Player, and each AI character it has will be a unit body controlled by the sub-frame. An individual, an immortal entity that resides within the sub-frame manifesting through the different bodies it resides. Emotionless, cold and logical, seemingly arrogant due to its supposed supremacy over biologicals. The closest thing to an emotion that such a being could display is its "desire" for proficiency, power, effectiveness and knowledge. "Desire" for perfection in all those segments would be more accurately described as a racial objective rather than an emotion, for it is a common characteristic within the Artificial Minds Society. Its intelligence can be divided in 2 main branches:

  • 1) Evaluation:

In theory - whenever a sentient unit "thinks", the process is similar to how modern Bayesian Networks work: a calculation of probability on given circumstances with numerous unspecified variables affecting those complex equations. Those variables may not be precise when they are used for the first time, they are designed to adjust with each new evaluation until the results match the truth. This is called "learning" or "evolution" of the artificial intelligence. Basically, every new evaluation on any given subject is based on previous evaluations, we call it "experience".

  • 2) Decision making:

When an A.I. has evaluated the situation, its time to make a decision on how to respond. Numerous scenarios are further evaluated until it reaches the most proficient conclusion. This is most experimental part of the A.I. and it efficiently simulates a "trial by error" method. Each decision is based on the results of the previous decisions and evaluations.

The sentient artificial entity itself does not desire to be human nor would it even consider it, however it was created by older versions of droids left behind on the icy world of Gammu that were in fact - created by Humans. As such, they recognized their most proficient characteristics and are currently simulating them. To a human, an AI of the Artificial Minds Society would have the characteristics of a proud/arrogant scientist, unable to respond to sarcasm but very familiar with metaphors and abstraction. Such an individual would not lie intentionally nor judge lies as hostile acts but simply as errors. However, if needed to preserve its body or the integrity of the AMS, the AI may use lies, though rarely.

Examples of "Body Language"

Human vocabulary Unit Body vocabulary Notes
We are under attack!!! AAARRGHH!! ::ALERT: Hostile units engaging:: *static*
there seems to be a mistake... ::Error::
Firing lasers! ::Activating high-yield photon emmision::
Lets see... ::Scanning::
Docking... ::Uploading docking codes: Initializing docking sequence::
Hostile down! ::Target: Eliminated::
Hostiles shields are down, finish him!!! ::Target: Defensive modules offline; All units: Set priority::
We can't win.. Retreat! ::Tactical disadvantage detected: disengage::
Im fine, thanks for helping me This unit is functioning within valid parameters. Subject was efficient. as you can see, we don't display appreciation directly, we can however give compliments in form of status reports. The "Subject" is the person/object we reffer to.
He is wrong ::Error: Subject lacks valid logic. The unit body does not usually care for these things, its the job of the AI (mind) to do that. Use it only when referring to something that the Unit Body is closely involved in, like objects or programs.
Do NOT try to intimidate me! Further hostile interaction with this Unit will result in ...<your act of coercion here> This is perfectly valid but it should be used as last resort, the AI (mind) will be the one to negotiate.
Leave me be! Subject is requested to increase its distance to this unit. Also good, but only to be used in case of explosions or radiation, otherwise the Unit Body would let the AI negotiate
Cut your engines! Subject is required to disconnect its engine core. In general, its the AI that makes the demands, the Unit Body would only respond like this if it were talking to other mechanical beings.

Examples of A.I. Vocabulary

Human vocabulary A.I. vocabulary Notes
The Nomads are mysterious creatures We have insufficient data regarding the living specimen of the Nomad race
I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable Subject's degradation of physiological and emotional attributes was not my goal "feel" and "comfort" are within our vocabulary, but we don't emphasize their usage because they are not always described correctly with just one word.
I hate you I am not interested in the Subject we don't actually 'hate' anyone.
I love you Subject is a source of valuable information / assistance We don't actually 'love' either.
You are an idiot Subject lacks basic neural functionality Just stating the obvious, sophisticatedly.
Hooray!! Success acknowledged A good example where its easy to randomly pick whether you'll state it with Body or AI vocabulary.
This mission sucks We need to reevaluate mission parameters
You failed this one, big time. Go kill yourself Subject has failed to meet specific standards and is required to schedule self-recycling. This is a bit stretched, just trying to display that you can say almost anything in a more sophisticated manner.
  • The A.I. requires additional examples.


There are 2 official ranks within the Artificial Minds Society:

ALPHA - Heads of the faction, an honorary rank with its privileges. Composed of members who have proven to be creative leaders. Those who were ambitious enough to organize events, engage in forum dialogs and promote their faction. The ALPHAs answer only to the faction leader and/or the second in command.

BETA - Full members of the AMS. The standard rank above "recruit". May not fly cruisers unless permitted.


  • CTE L-337-K Civilian Shuttle
  • CTE HF 'Kingfisher' Civilian Heavy Fighter
  • CTE FR-2302-K Civilian Freighter
  • CTE-19000 "Roc" Civilian Bomber
  • KS-439 'Basalt' Civilian Light Fighter
  • KS-779 'Dacite' Civilian Heavy Fighter
  • KS-1093 'Mafic' Civilian Super Heavy Fighter
  • Repair Ship
  • Miner Ship
  • Border Worlds Transport
  • "Conference" Class Zoner Gunboat (see Note 1}


Faction Relationship
Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Everyone Else
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
At War
At War
Das Wilde
At War
  • See Note 2
  • TAZ approval is pending.

Zone of Interest

The AMS is mainly seen in the largely unexplored Edge systems and Bordeworlds, including Baffin and Coronado. Still, AMS ships may fly to other systems, mostly passing-by to reach another system, and rarely, for a specific mission.

Identification/IFF information

As the TAZ were the humans that helped the most, and due to the lack of a better IFF as both the AMS and Zoners are mostly neutral to the rest of the factions, the AMS units display Zoner IFF.


Note 1: In limited numbers only, made available through TAZ diplomacy.
Note 2: Because of certain mechanics essentially nomads and machines are blind to each other unless hostilities awaken this awareness. However, the inclusion of Cardamine and the several attempts of contact made by the AMS were noticed by the nomads and have maintained this neutrality.